Required standardized tests vary from state to state. Check your state requirements here >>
Standardized achievement tests:
1. California Achievement Test (CAT):
Parents are permitted to adminster the CAT test and it is available through Seton Center.
2. PASS Test:
Personalized Achievement Summary System Test (PASS), a norm-referenced test especially developed for homeschoolers in grades 3-8 by Hewitt Homeschooling Resources. Results show both overall achievement and performance in each of the three subjects, which are reading, math and language. The PASS is an untimed test. Testing twice a year is recommended to obtain a more accurate measure of achievement. You must give a placement test before the actual achievement test. Alaska, New York and North Carolina have officially approved the PASS Test for state reporting.
3. Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement:
Woodcock-Johnson tests must be individually administered by a specifically trained administrator. A computerized report of scores is given. Note: There are also W-J tests for cognitive ability. Again, the publishers of this test require it be administered by a licensed or specifically trained professional.
4. Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) for grades K-8 and Iowa Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP) for Grades 9-12:
The Iowa gives a lot of subscores, so you can see more clearly how your child did on each different subject. It is easily administered and provides the required information for a very reasonable cost. Many large support groups provide this test. The publisher of the ITBS tests have specific requirements and rules regarding test administration and the examiner’s credentials.
5. Stanford Achievement Test:
Many private schools use the Stanford. The publishers of the Stanford test have specific rules and regulations regarding the examiner's credentials and test administration.