Who We Are
Home education fulfills its highest calling when parents educate
their own children according to Christ-centered, Biblical principles
Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators (MACHE) is a statewide organization for parents who have chosen to home educate their children. We partner with Minnesota home educators to inspire, equip, and protect homeschool freedoms through year round events, publications, bi-weekly newsletters, resource partnerships, and legislative monitoring with member updates.
MACHE was established in 1983. Our mission is to come alongside parents as they “teach diligently” (Deuteronomy 6:7) and pass on a Judeo-Christian heritage to the next generation.
MACHE is a Minnesota non-profit corporation recognized as tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible.

Photo: Founding members of MÂCHÉ, Roger and Meryl Schurke, receive the Friend of Homeschooling Award in
2009 from MÂCHÉ keynote speaker, Michael Farris. Michael Farris is past president of Homeschool legal Defense
and current CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom.
Below: Share our MACHE ad with your friends and family! Consider posting this flyer on your church's bulletin board, or display in your local library. Help us spread the word about home education in Minnesota and how MACHE is here to help.
If you would like to know more about the history of home education in Minnesota, you might want to purchase the book The Voices of the Pioneers: Homeschooling in Minnesota, written by homeschoolers Given Hoffman and Eileen Hoffman. The book is a "collection of first-hand stories of more than a dozen homeschool pioneers."
"Sit down with a hot beverage and enjoy this conversational-style history of those who ventured to do what was considered less than legal and more than a little bit crazy. Learn why parents removed their children from public schools to educate them at home and how these pioneers fought for that right before local courts, district courts, the Minnesota supreme Court, and in hearing before both the Minnesota House and Senate. Witness the birth of MÂCHÉ and its thirty years of growth and influence."