Advertisers, Exhibitors, & Speakers
MÂCHÉ recognizes the advantage of working together with our advertisers, exhibitors, and speakers. This provides a great benefit to many home educating families in Minnesota. This collective resource of wisdom helps build a strong organization and strengthen home education across the state and surrounding areas.
Are you are interested in partnering with us in our annual MÂCHÉ convention to inspire and equip Minnesota home educators? If so, please check out the information on this page. These are the current opportunities available for the MÂCHÉ convention and its convention publications.
If you would also like information on becoming a convention sponsor or purchasing advertising in MÂCHÉ's non-convention publications, click on the following links:
We look forward to working with you this year to provide an excellent home education convention! For more information, please use the accordian links provided.
Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators (MÂCHÉ) provides an opportunity to purchase advertising space in our Convention Program. This will be distributed to approximately 2,500 attendees at MÂCHÉ's annual convention, plus the viewership of those in the digital distribution.
Size and Pricing
Ad space in MÂCHÉ's Convention Program is priced as follows:
- Full page ad (7 1⁄2" by 10" printable space) = $600
- Half page ad (7 1⁄2" by 4 3⁄4" printable space) = $375
- Quarter page ad (3 1⁄2" by 4 3⁄4" printable space) = $225
- Eighth page ad (3 1⁄2" by 2 3⁄8" printable space) = $100
Advertisement and Graphics Specifics
- Advertisements are in full color.
- Electronic graphic files are accepted in PDF and JPEG formats with a resolution of 300dpi.
- Your submission should be the correct size of the advertisement purchased. No bleeds are accepted. We will make adjustments to fit.
- We reserve the right to make any sizing adjustments to match the exact sizing requirements. We recommend that any wording be kept at least ⅛” from the edge of your ad.
- Consider offering a special deal in your advertisement for post-convention purchases. For instance, "free shipping" or "10% off" purchases can be effective. Attendees often save programs for the deals.
Cancellation Policy for Advertising in the Convention Program
Reimbursement for a cancelled advertisement is as follows:
- Eight weeks or more before the convention: full refund, minus a $25 service fee.
- Less than eight weeks before the convention: no refund.
As a Christian organization, our members do have some expectations for advertisers. These ensure an active market for those that do advertise with us. We would ask for you to review them. Please abide by the following general guidelines we required for all submissions:
- The advertisement does not undermine MÂCHÉ's STATEMENT OF FAITH.
- Write: Your contact information, name, organization, and any other notes.
- Attach: All files and finished images to be used with your advertisement
Please note that MÂCHÉ reserves the right to limit the size or accept or reject any advertisement without explanation.
Purchasing and Submitting an Ad:
- If you are a new advertiser, set up an account with MÂCHÉ and be approved HERE.
- After being approved as an advertiser, log in to your account on the MÂCHÉ website.
- To purchase an advertisement, follow About Us > Advertise > Make a Purchase
- When finished, you will receive an automated confirmation receipt from MÂCHÉ via email.
- Then send the digital files to MÂCHÉ at
- Subject Line: Convention Program
- Write: Your contact information, name, organization, and any other notes.
- Attach: All files and finished images to be used with your advertisement
We’ll follow up if we have questions or need anything else to post your advertisement.
Submissions for the MÂCHÉ Convention exhibit hall will be accepted beginning in August. Products for sale or services provided should be of educational use or of great interest to home educating families. MÂCHÉ reserves the right to accept or reject an exhibitor without explanation.
We are so grateful to our exhibitors that bring their expertise and resources to our convention each year. We typically receive more requests to exhibit then our exhibit hall can hold. We carefully review each exhibitor's products and services to ensure that each exhibitor has the most successful experience as possible.
Returning Exhibitors
Most exhibitors who participated in the 2023 convention will receive an invitation to participate in the 2024 MÂCHÉ Convention exhibit hall. Your invitation will be sent to the the most current contact information that we have on file. IF you transfer role and responsibility to someone else, please be aware that your invitation may not reach you. To help us keep good records, please email with all updates. Your invitation will provide you with the information to register. Invitations are on schedule to go out the latter part of September.
New Exhibitor Candidates
If you have never exhibited in the MÂCHÉ Convention exhibit hall we request the following information for our review:
- A catalog and/or brochure about your company or organization. Website links are very helpful.
- A sample of materials you may have in your booth;*
- References (if any) from previous conventions you may have attended;
- Contact phone number and mailing address
- Your website address
- Your current working email address
- The name of the person with whom we would be corresponding
If you are approved, you will receive an email invitation to participate in the MÂCHÉ exhibit hall. The invitation will include details about the current convention, as well as how to register for an exhibit hall booth and exhibitor workshop.
MÂCHÉ will continue to invite new exhibitors until the exhibit hall is full. Submitted materials will not be returned.
You may send your correspondence digitally (email) to; or you may mail it to:
Exhibit Hall Coordinator
P.O. Box 32308
Fridley, MN 55432
Exhibitor Advertising Opportunities
All invited exhibitors, whether or not they attend the MÂCHÉ Convention, may participate in the following:
- MÂCHÉ Convention Program provides details of the convention weekend and numerous exhibitor advertisements. MÂCHÉ distributes copies at the convention to approximately 2,000-3,000 attendees.
- Sponsorships are available to help support various MÂCHÉ projects both for the convention and for the organization. For more information, email
- Silent Auction takes place onsite during Friday/Saturday of the convention. It is a great way for you to promote your products that you are selling at your exhibitor booth or online store. Attendees bid on donated items from our members, exhibitors, area businesses, and more. For more information, email
Once accepted as an exhibitor, you will receive a number of communications with directions and information. Please be sure to READ through all materials that you receive. The emails are quite detailed and cover a plethora of pertinent information.
Exhibitor Timeline
- August: MÂCHÉ will begin reviewing information from exhibitor and advertiser candidates.
- September: MÂCHÉ will send all approved exhibitors and advertisers an invitation and instructions for online registration. The email will also explain the details of exhibiting, including costs and availability of exhibitor workshops, participating in the Silent Auction, and purchasing advertisements in the Convention Program. Exhibitor registration will begin in September.
- February 1: Advertiser applications must be completed by this time in order to be included in the Convention Program.
- May 17: The MÂCHÉ Convention begins.
What does it cost to exhibit?
2024 booth pricing will be available in early fall.
What size are the booth spaces?
Each booth space is 10x10 for 2024 MÂCHÉ Convention
What is included in each booth?
One 8'x2' table
Two folding chairs
What are the set-up and tear-down days and times?
Set-up: Thursday, May 16th. Hours of set up will be 10 am-6 pm. Please plan accordingly, set up will end at 6 pm.
Tear-down: Saturday, May 18th. Tear-down will begin at 5:30 pm with the anticipation of a 2 hour load out process.
What are the exhibit hall hours?
Friday, May 17: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday, May 18: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
When can I get into the exhibit hall in the mornings?
Exhibit hall will be open for vendors only as early as 8:00 am each day. You do not need to be onsite that early, but if you wish to you may be in the exhibit hall or at your booth.
What is included in the exhibitor workshop room?
A screen and AV hook ups for HDMI cabling and microphone. If you require something special to present your workshop, please make us aware in advance so that we can have things set up for you.
What is the cancellation policy for an exhibitor booth?
At least 8 weeks before the convention: You will receive a full refund, less a $25.00 handling fee.
Between 5-8 weeks before the convention: There will be a half refund, less a $25.00 handling fee.
Less than 5 weeks before the convention: There will be no refund.
How do I order electricity or Internet service?
Please discuss options with Tami Bourman at
How do I ship my products to the venue site?
Email Tami Bourman at for shipping information
Where do I unload? Where do I park?
Details will be provided in the spring 2024.
Can I bring food into the convention hall?
You may purchase food from the various vending areas on site at the venue. The venue is strict about no outside food being brought into the convention center.
What is the sales tax for my products?
Please check with Tami Bourman at
Can I receive an advanced copy of the exhibit hall floor plan?
Please check with Tami Bourman at
The procedure for purchasing an advertisement in the convention program, exhibit hall booth, or exhibitor workshop is listed below. If you have any questions about filling out your form or making your advertising/exhibitor purchases, contact Tami Bourman at
PLEASE NOTE: You are not registered as an exhibitor for the 2023 MÂCHÉ Convention until after you complete the purchase of your booth.
- Review the information on this page.
- Click the "Click Here to Set Up an Account" tab at the top of this page.
- Fill out the form and submit it.
- You will receive an email stating that your application is being reviewed.
- After your application has been reviewed, you will receive an additional email requesting that you click a link to activate your account.
- Login and fill in the blanks provided.
- If applicable, fill out the workshop form and click "Submit." Continue by selecting the size of the booth, program advertisement, and/or workshops that you wish to purchase.
- Check out!
- Login to your MÂCHÉ account. Your "Username" (Login ID) is the email address that you used when purchasing your exhibit booths in previous years. It is the same email that MÂCHÉ used to send you this exhibitor invitation.
- If you have trouble accessing your account, you may need to reset your password.
- Select the "Click Here to Make a Purchase" tab at the top of this page.
- If applicable, fill out the exhibitor workshop form and click "Submit." Continue by selecting the "size of the booth" and/or any "program booklet advertisement" that you wish to purchase.
- Check out!
If you are a MÂCHÉ WORKSHOP SPEAKER, but also have a booth in the exhibit hall, the MÂCHÉ Speaker Coordinator will send you specific instructions on how to register.
EXIBITOR WORKSHOP SPEAKERS should follow the instructions written above.
There are two types of speaking opportunities at the annual MÂCHÉ Convention.
MÂCHÉ Speaker Workshops
MÂCHÉ invites speakers to share practical information on a variety of subjects of interest to home educating families. The process of inviting speakers to speak at our convention begins with the application process. If you wish to be considered for the 2024 MÂCHÉ Convention as a potential speaker, we are accepting applications through September 30, 2023.
In order to be considered, we will need the following Speaker Packet information:
- Biographical sketch with a recent photo
- Website address
- Phone number and mailing address
- A current working email address
- List of references or conventions where you have spoken in the past
- Titles and descriptions of the workshop topics that you present
- An audio recording of one of your workshop presentations
You may send your correspondence digitally (email) to; if you wish to send hard copy material to MÂCHÉ please email us for further instructions.
We get so many wonderful speaker requests each year that we cannot accommodate everyone. If you are not chosen for the current years convention, MÂCHÉ will keep your information and refer to it when considering speakers for future conventions. The speaker coordinator or convention director will contact you if your workshop presentation(s) works well with the overall vision and theme of the current convention.
All materials submitted to MÂCHÉ will be kept on file.
Exhibitor Speaker Workshops
After MÂCHÉ approves an exhibitor's application to sell products or services in the convention exhibit hall, the exhibitor is then sent an exhibit hall invitation which includes information on being an exhibitor workshop speaker.
Exhibitor workshop speakers conduct workshops that demonstrate and/or explain products they sell or services they offer as exhibitors at the MÂCHÉ Convention.
For more information about being an exhibitor at a MÂCHÉ convention, read the "EXHIBITING WITH MÂCHÉ" section above.
The corporation will promote and its board members and officers will believe and profess the following Statement of Faith:
- The Bible is the verbally* inspired, infallible, literal, written, Word of God and constitutes His completed and final revelation to man. It is the sole rule of faith and practice for the believer. The Bible, in its original autographs,** is without error in whole and in part, including theological concepts as well as geographical and historical details.
- God has existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is God, conceived of the Holy Spirit, come in human flesh, born of a virgin, being fully God and fully man, except without sin.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- Apart from Christ, all men are in violation of God’s righteous requirements and His Holy character both by nature and act, and are therefore under His wrath and just condemnation.
- The central purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ was Man’s redemption, to demonstrate God’s all-Holy character that He alone is just and the One Who justifies. Jesus Christ alone paid the penalty for man’s sin through His substitutionary death on the cross, the successful accomplishment of which was attested to by His subsequent visible, bodily resurrection.
- Salvation is God’s free gift to the sinner. By God’s grace alone, this gift must be responded to by individual repentance with faith, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the Church – a living, spiritual body of which Christ is the head and of which all regenerated people in this age are members. We believe that a local church is a company of believers in Jesus Christ, and associated for worship, work, fellowship, and learning together. We believe that the local church is critical to God’s purpose for this age and that every Christian should be accountable to and involved with a local church.
- We believe marriage is a God-ordained institution consisting of the union of one biological man and one biological woman.
- We believe God has given parents the responsibility of training and teaching their own children.
* “verbally” – that is, “every word” of the original writings of Scripture was given by the Holy Spirit who superintended each writer and used the unique background and style of each writer in selecting the precise words God wanted to use. In other words, each writer of the Scripture was controlled by the Holy Spirit of God in the choice of the words which he used in communicating divine truth. (Matthew 5:18; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21)
** “autographs” – a person’s own handwriting or self-recording. Each writer’s original manuscript. Inspiration does not necessarily apply to copies of the original manuscript.
New Advertisers/Exhibitors Account Form
After your account has been approved, you will be sent an email giving you information on how to continue purchasing your advertisement(s), exhibit hall booth(s), and/or exhibitor workshop(s).
Advertiser, Exhibitor, & Speaker Store
Only pre-approved advertisers. exhibitors, or speakers may purchase these items. Please login before proceeding!
Full Page Advertisement: Homeschool Now Minnesota or Convention Program
1/2 Page Advertisement: Homeschool Now Minnesota or Convention Program
1/4 Page Advertisement: Homeschool Now Minnesota or Convention Program
1/8 Page Advertisement: Homeschool Now Minnesota or Convention Program
Advertisement: The MÂCHÉ E-newsletter
Email Blasts Advertising
$300.00 -
Protected: Exhibitor Booth-2024
Need more information about becoming a exhibitor, advertiser, or speaker for MÂCHÉ?
Need an Exhibitor, Advertiser, or Speaker Account?
Register today!