2025 MÂCHÉ Convention
May 16 - May 17
Thank you, Sponsors!!!

(Mark your Calendars!!)
MÂCHÉ is excited to be back at the DECC in Duluth, MN May 16-17, 2025!! It has been 9 years since we have had the opportunity to be local to more of our northern brothers and sisters!! We hope to see YOU there!
MÂCHÉ is here to help protect, equip, and encourage you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@mache.org.
Are you having trouble with the registration process? Does it seem like we are sold out? To help serve you better, please follow these instructions when registering for the convention.
Registration process:
Step 1: Please log into your MACHE account. Or create an account to begin the registration process.
Step 2: Register for each person who will be attending the convention. There are 4 registration categories.
- Choose from the following options in the drop-down menu: Adult, Youth (ages 19 months to 16 years old), Teen Track (ages 12-18), or Grandparent (FREE) registrations.
Criteria for Grandparents: You are a grandparent who is retired from homeschooling, or you are a grandparent that did not homeschool. And you are registering with a parent who is homeschooling.
- Provide the "quantity" of people in your order party - 2 Adults, 1 Youth, 3 Teen Track and so forth. You will need to add adult registrations to the cart first, then add youth registrations to the cart
- Be sure to fill in the fields requested for each. We need that information in order to create name tags. Please also be sure that you are filling out first name, last name. We have received several registrations with the reverse.
- Please answer the 3 questions for each registrant: Do you need an ASL interpreter? Is this your first homeschool convention? How many years have you homeschooled?
Step 3: After you have added Adult, Youth, Teen Track, and Grandparent registrations, you may like to register for the following Add-Ons: Leadership Forum (open to all leaders and their fellow board members in the homeschool community), Men's Breakfast, and/or Mom’s Night Out.
- Scroll to the bottom of the registration page to find "2025 MÂCHÉ Convention Add-Ons Registration"
- Choose an option
- Identify how many people will be participating in the Add-On
- Fill in the information requested for each registration
Step 4: If you wish to pre-order the convention audio bundle, please add to your cart now.
NOTE: If you will be volunteering OR you are a Pastor requesting a Pastor Pass, please stop the registration process until you have been given appropriate coupon code to use at the time of checkout.
Step 5: Click the blue button "View Cart" to review your order. If all is correct, please continue to step 6.
Step 6: Begin checkout
- If you are volunteering for the convention, your coordinator will provide you with a code to use at checkout. You will apply it to the box "Apply Coupon"
- Then update the cart for the coupon to apply. You should see that it removes the value of the coupon in the final total.
Step 7: Finish checkout
WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT CONVENTION!! If you have any questions, please email info@mache.org.
The 2025 speakers have been selected. You can find their headshots and bios under that accordion file. New applications for 2026 will begin to be looked at come July 2025, please email speakers@mache.org. Applications are received through the end of September. Selections are made on a rolling basis with the final decisions being set by October 31st, if not earlier. You will be notified either way. We value our speakers very much! Please know that if are not selected that it's a very tough decision. Each year we receive more applications then we can accommodate. Our team prays over every area of convention including speaker selection. We are led by God's direction and final decisions. We will keep your application on file for future reference or in the unlikely case that we have a cancellation. We appreciate YOU and what God is doing in your life and ministry that you would like to share with our homeschooling community!
The 2025 MÂCHÉ Convention exhibitor registrations are open NOW. All inquiries to exhibit are welcome. If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor for the 2025 convention, you can find out more information and details here.
Please note, MÂCHÉ does reserve the right to choose exhibitors, not all applications or returning requests for participation are granted. It's not personal, it is based on our space and the needs of our homeschooling community.
MÂCHÉ also welcomes advertising year-round. You can register your request by following this link here.
ACR Homes / ACR Healthcare https://www.acrhomes.com/
Adventurous Christians https://covenantpines.org/adventurouschristians/
Alex Newman - The Liberty Sentinel https://face.net/alex-newman/
Ambassador College of Bible & Ministry http://www.ambassadorcollege.education
Amy Buchmeyer - HSLDA https://hslda.org/bio/amy-buchmeyer
BadgerMomma.org https://shannonc50305b69d.wordpress.com/
Beakers & Bricks, LLC https://edible-knowledge.com/
Bethel University https://www.bethel.edu/
BJU Press Homeschool/HomeWorks by Precept https://homeworksbyprecept.com/
Brave Books https://bravebooks.us/
Bridgette Cameron Ridenour https://bridgettecameron.com/
Camp Nathanael http://www.campnathanael.com
Children’s Music Academy https://childrensmusicacademy.org/brooklyn-park-mn/
Christian Light Education https://www.clp.org/
Christy Faith https://christy-faith.com/
Classical Conversations https://www.classicalconversations.com/
Compass Financial Ministry https://compassfinancialministry.org/
Creating A Masterpiece http://www.creatingamasterpiece.com
Crown College www.crown.edu
CTCMath https://ctcmath.com/
Demme Learning http://www.demmelearning.com
DPC Books http://dpcornelius.com
DriveSafeRideSafe LLC http://www.drivesaferidesafe.com
Esther's Place Homeschool Resource Center https://esthersplacehrc.org/
Faith Baptist Bible College http://www.faith.edu
Free Lutheran Bible College https://flbc.edu/
Geology by Northwest Treasures https://northwestrockandfossil.com/
Get Your Act Together LLC https://theaterwithpurpose.wixsite.com/getyouracttogether
HEPPNER'S LEGACY Homeschool Resources http://www.legacyhomeschool.com
History Online Learning https://historyonlinelearning.wpcomstaging.com/
Home School Legal Defense Association http://www.hslda.org
Homeschooling With Confidence https://hswithconfidence.com/
Hunger Winter: A World War II Novel https://www.robcurrieauthor.com/
Imagination Investigation http://www.chawnaschroeder.com/imagination-investigation.html
Jamie Erickson https://jamieerickson.com/
Jared Dodd - Teen Track https://jareddodd.com/
KAP Education https://www.kapeducation.com/
Kingdom Culture https://www.kingdomculture.kids/
Kristin Lacke https://creditsbeforecollege.com/
Lamplighter Ministries http://www.lamplighter.net
LearningRx http://www.learningrx.com
Master Books http://www.masterbooks.com
Minitex http://www.elm4you.org
Minnesota Moms for America https://mnmomsforamerica.us/
Minnesota North College https://minnesotanorth.edu/
Mission Aviation Fellowship http://maf.org/
Music Is Forever https://musicisforever.net/
Nancy Manos https://nancymanos.com/
NCFCA Christian Speech & Debate http://www.ncfca.org
New Kingdom Healthcare https://www.newkingdomwellness.com/
North Central Camp Cherith http://www.camp-cherith.com
North Central University https://www.northcentral.edu
Paperpie https://funofreading.com/
Pine Technical and Community College https://www.pine.edu/
Portals https://www.portalsacademy.com/
Priscilla’s Books http://www.priscillasbooks.com/
Resounding Voice https://www.resoundingvoice.com/
RightStart Mathematics https://www.RightStartMath.com
Rory Groves - Teen Track https://www.thegrovestead.com/
Sarah Collins https://homeschoolot.com/
Steve Demme - Building Faith Families https://buildingfaithfamilies.org/
Sylladot Reading Program http://www.sylladot.com/
Teens For Christ http://ambassadorcollege.education
The Reading Center/Dyslexia Institute of MN http://thereadingcenter.org/
The Wilderness Fellowship Ministries https://www.wildernessfellowship.com
Trail Life USA http://TrailLifeUSA.com
Truth and Life Ministries No website
University of Northwestern https://www.unwsp.edu
YWAM Publishing https://www.ywampublishing.com
- Registration opens February 3rd
Registration Fees:
Family & Missional Partners - $50/person (this rate accounts for the 20 % partner discount)
Subscriber & General Admission - $62.50/person (no discount applied)
Youth rate (ages 19 months – 16 years) - $30 non-member/$24 member
Children 18 months or younger are FREE
Teen Track - $35 non-member/$28 member
Grandparents attend for FREE
Add On:
Mom’s Night Out with Christy Faith - Friday, May 16th from 7-9 pm - $25 includes dessert, a copy of Christy Faith's book Homeschool Rising, and other takeaways.
Men’s Breakfast - Saturday, May 17th 7-8:25 am with presentation by Kelly Love, Trail Life USA - $15/person
Leadership Forum - Thursday, May 15th from 6:00 – 9:00 pm with presentations by Nancy Manos and others - $30/person – All support group board members and spouses are welcome. Price includes dinner.
Audio bundles:
Pre-Conference Special Full Set MP3 Audio - $69.00 good until 11:59 pm Wednesday, May 21st.
Post Conference Pricing Full Set MP3 Audio - $119.00 begins May 22nd.
Help us keep the FAQs up to date and current. We have found that if you have a question then so does someone else. If you do not find an answer to a question, please pose the question either on social media's MÂCHÉ convention page or email info@mache.org
Q: What does the term 'Add-Ons' refer to?
A: 'Add-ons' are the events or products such as Men's Breakfast, Leadership Forum, and Mom's Night Out. You will need to register separately for these events. There is limited space, or head count needed so register early to ensure you are included.
Q: Will the workshops be recorded? Will there be a special discount if purchasing at the time of registration or during the convention?
A: Yes, the workshops will be recorded. Resounding Voice will be our audio recording service this year. They have a pre-conference bundle for $69. You can add that purchase at the time of registration or you can go by their booth at convention to purchase this.
Q: Will I be able to get a certificate for CEU's this year?
A: Yes, we will have two different CEU certificates. If you will only be able to attend one day of the convention we will have an 8 hour CEU certificate. If you complete the whole weekend, we will have a 16 hour CEU certificate. Please visit the MÂCHÉ booth on Saturday afternoon after 2pm to get a copy of your CEU certificate.
Q: Will there be childcare at the convention?
A: No, we do not offer childcare at the homeschool convention.
Exhibit Hall
Q: Will there be a full exhibit hall of experienced vendors?
A: Yes. We are excited to have full capacity for exhibitors this year. See our list of exhibitors as it develops.
Q: What are the open hours for the exhibit hall this year?
A: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm, Friday/Saturday
Food & Drinks
Q: Will there be a cafeteria? Will there be food and drink onsite? What are my food options?
A: Yes, there will be onsite eating options. Stay tuned for updates.
Leadership Forum
Q: What is the Leadership Forum? When is the Leadership Forum?
A: Join us for Leadership Forum on Thursday, May 15th from 6-9 pm at the Canal Park Lodge Conference Room, 250 Canal Park Dr, Duluth, MN! We will be having a time of networking, resource sharing, and information before we start with dinner and then we will end with an evening of fun, laughter, and encouragement with Nancy Manos as she shares about her experiences as a state leader. We hope to see all group leadership, board members, and their spouses there!
Q: What does it cost for the Leadership Forum?
A: $30/person
Men's Breakfast
Q: Does my husband have to attend the convention in order to buy a ticket for the Men's Breakfast?
A: No, as long as there is one parent attending the convention, then you can just purchase a ticket for your husband to the Men's Breakfast.
Nursing Moms
Q: Will there be a room for nursing moms at convention?
A: Yes, you will find signs at the venue to direct you to the nursing mom location on site.
Q: Will there be parking onsite? Does it cost anything?
A: Yes, there will be parking available. Check with your hotels to see if there is a discount on parking. The garage at the DECC will also have parking - TBA on pricing coming soon.
Q: What if I can no longer attend the convention, can I get a refund?
A: MÂCHÉ does not offer refunds of fees for membership or other MÂCHÉ sponsored events outside of the convention registration. If for any reason you must cancel your convention registration, MÂCHÉ will refund your registration upon written notification of cancellation on or before 30 days prior to the convention, minus a $25 processing fee. No refunds will be offered after that time period. Transfers of a convention registration may be made to another person, but you will process this transfer on your own. MÂCHÉ would also appreciate knowing who has purchased your registration so that it does not cause confusion at the registration tables the day of convention. Please note that your MACHE membership is not transferable.
Q: When will registration open for the 2025 MÂCHÉ Convention?
A: February 3, 2025
Q: Does the registration fee include my spouse?
A: No, registration is per person. This means that you will need to register everyone individually who will be attending the convention. This helps us keep better track of our needs and participation. Children under 18 months of age are FREE. Teen Track is now a registration option this year along with adult, youth, and grandparent. Please be sure to register for the correct options. Students not registered for Teen Track will not be admitted to Teen Track this year. We had some confusion last year with the youth registration. Teen Track and Youth registration are NOT the same thing. Thank you for helping us distinguish the registration and allow us a good headcount for the teen program.
Q: Will there be on-site registration?
A: We are trying something new this year. We will have a mobile registration. You will have access to the QR code to link to the registration page on Wednesday, May 15th through the convention. The price WILL be higher than online registration AND there will be NO discounts for members using this method to register for convention.
Q: Do grandparents get in for free?
A: Yes. You will be offered the option to register grandparents when you register for convention.
Silent Auction
Q: Will there be a silent auction at convention this year?
A: Yes.
Storage & Strollers Check (formerly known as the Coat Check)
Q: Will there be a storage & strollers check (SSC) this year?
A: Yes, there will be a storage & strollers check this year!
Q: What does it cost to check my stroller and/or leave my purchases?
A: It costs $3.00 for one stub and you can check as much as you need or want to under that ticket stub.
Q: How can we pay for stroller & storage?
A: You can pay via PayPay, Cash, Check, or Venmo
Q: Will strollers be allowed?
A: MÂCHÉ has always had a no stroller policy. If, however, you have a health issue that requires the use of a stroller for your child, please email info@mache.org with the details. This will allow us to plan accordingly. We will consider the situation on a case by case basis. Under these circumstances you will be given a special stroller tag so that the security team will know it has been approved by MÂCHÉ. All other strollers will be parked by the storage & strollers check location.
Teen Track
Q: Will there be a program for my students between the ages of 12-18?
A: Yes! Please see full details under the Teen Track accordion on the convention page.
Q: Do I need to register my student for a youth admissions as well as the Teen Track registration?
A: No, you will only need to register your student for the Teen Track, if they will be attending the teen track program.
Q: Is Teen Track and Youth registration the same thing?
A: No, Teen Track is not the same as the Youth registration. There was a bit of confusion in 2023. In order to provide each participant with the materials associated with Teen Track we need an accurate headcount.
Used Books/Curriculum
Q: Will there be used books/curriculum sales at convention?
A: Yes, Thursday, May 15th from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Q: Does it cost to come to the used books/curriculum sale?
A: There is no cost for buyers. There is a $50/table rental fee for sellers.
Q: Do I need to register for the used books/curriculum sale?
A: Sellers must register and pay for their tables. Buyers do not need to register this year.
Q: Who is eligible to volunteer?
A: We ask that the volunteers be adults ages 18 years or older, with the exception of the coat check area. The coat check coordinator will want to discuss the opportunity with parents. We ask that coat check or exhibit hall volunteers be mature 15 years and older. We also ask that you have attended at least one previous convention to be considered as a volunteer. Thank you.
Q: How do I volunteer for the convention?
A: Please fill our this volunteer submission form - VOLUNTEER - someone will be in touch with more information.
We are excited to share that we have secured blocks of rooms in various hotels in the Duluth area. The cut-off date for most block reservations expires April 14th unless otherwise noted. There are limited rooms in each hotel so do not delay. Once the block is full the hotel will be removed from this list.
Canal Park Lodge
250 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Discounted block rooms available
Group Rate: Mention 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
King or Queen City Side – Thu $149.00 I Fri/Sat $249.00
Comfort Inn West
3900 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55807
Group Rates: Mention 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
1 King Bed, Non-Smoking - $165
2 Queen Beds, Non-Smoking - $165.00
Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet
Pool, Hot Tub & Sauna
Days Inn Duluth Lakewalk
2211 London Road
Duluth, MN 55812
Group Rates: Mention 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
2 Queen Beds – Thu $114.00 I Fri/Sat $185.00
Edgewater Hotel & Waterpark
2400 London Road
Duluth, MN 55812
Group Rates: 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
2 Queen & Bunk Studio – Wed $128.00 I Thu-Sat $186.00
2 Queen Lakeview Balcony – Wed $128.00 I Thu-Sat $186.00
Holiday Inn & Suites - Duluth Downtown
200 West First Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Clickable link: 2025 MÂCHÉ Conference
Room rate: $140/night
Inn On Lake Superior
350 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Group Rates: Mention 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
2 Queen Lakeview – Wed/Thu - $179.00 I Fri/Sat - $252.00
2 Queen/Sofa Sleeper City View – Wed/Thu - $170.00 I Fri/Sat - $235.00
King Whirlpool Non-Lakeview – Wed/Thu - $170.00 I Fri/Sat - $235.00
King/Sofa Sleeper Lakeview – Wed/Thu - $179.00 I Fri/Sat - $252.00
Lift Bridge Lodge
408 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Group Rates: Mention 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
King Bed, Non-Smoking – Wed/Thu $269.49
King Bed, Non-Smoking – Fri/Sat $279.49
2 Queen Beds, Non-Smoking – Wed/Thu $289.49
2 Queen Beds, Non-Smoking – Fri/Sat $299.49
The Suites Hotel at Waterfront Plaza
325 S Lake Ave
Duluth, MN 55802
Group Rates (expires April 1st): Mention 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention Block
Studio Queen Suite - $129.00
Studio King Suite - $129.00
Studio Two Queen Suite - $149.00
Poolside Double Queen Suite - $149.00
One Bedroom King Suite - $169.00
Two-Bedroom King Suite - $209.00
Whirlpool King Suite - $209.00
The MÂCHÉ App is now available!! You can download the MÂCHÉ App on both iOS and Android devices. Click the link below. The 2024 MÂCHÉ Convention will be loaded when the information is complete. If you are a planner and want to get ahead of things you can search through the workshops and save your favorite choices in each session. Click the "heart" beside the workshop you would like to mark as a favorite. You can then choose the "Favorites" screen to see your agenda with just the workshops you have chosen. We will be adding the convention program and other links to the App as they become available. You now have access to the speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and workshops at your fingertip! We hope this will be a useful tool for you during the convention.
TBD for Canal Park, Duluth, MN...
Friday, May 16, 2025
Threats to Education, Freedom, and Homeschooling in the US and Worldwide
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Alex Newman
American homeschoolers cannot and must not become complacent after several decades of freedom. Storm clouds are gathering rapidly on the horizon. From Ivy League law professors and government bureaucrats to international organizations and unions, the threat to education freedom and home education is real. Multiple governments have banned homeschooling in recent years. It is time to prepare by learning about the danger.
Handouts:Cultivating Curiosity Through Project-Based Learning
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Jamie Erickson
Charlotte Mason once said, “Self-education is the only possible education; the rest is mere veneer laid on the surface of a child’s nature.” Hear how you can nurture your child’s natural curiosities and encourage them towards deep, layered learning. You’ll find out what project-based learning is and is not, discover how to transform boredom into brilliance and understand how to teach less so your child might learn more.
Handouts:Dyslexia and The Science of Reading
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Kristen Bieber
Does your child struggle learning to read, write and spell? The Reading Center has been teaching students using the Orton-Gillingham approach for over 70 years. We have seen the benefit this approach has on students who struggle with literacy skills. This workshop will give you a broad picture of the Orton-Gillingham approach and insight into our training and tutoring programs.
Handouts:God’s Calling for Grandparents
Workshop Room: Split Rock Room 1 & 2
By: Jared Dodd
Many grandparents, because of the influence of modern culture, have forfeited much of the amazing opportunity and responsibility God has given them. In this talk we share the Biblical vision of grandparenting and give practical instruction on how to impact grandchildren for the Kingdom of God.
Handouts:Homeschool through High School with Confidence
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Kristin Lackie
Homeschooling through high school might seem intimidating but be encouraged! These can be the most enjoyable and influential years you have with your teens. This workshop takes the guesswork out of what academics you should build into your 7-12th grade plan and helps you explore electives and activities that can customize your students’ high school years to meet their graduation goals. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.
Handouts:Math Super Powers: Building for Success
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Kathleen Cotter Clayton
How do you help your children develop their math super powers? How can you
empower them to use visualization and strategies to learn math facts? Come to this
workshop and investigate techniques that will support your child’s understanding, build
their confidence, and succeed in their math journey!
PSEO On Purpose
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Bradyn Watson
Minnesota residents have access to the Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program that allows high school junior and senior students to take college-level courses from approved institutions. If you have a ninth, tenth, or eleventh grader, join us to explore how PSEO may fit into your homeschool experience and your student’s educational goals. We will discuss PSEO priorities, educational planning, considerations, admissions requirements, and the many benefits of participating in this program.
Handouts:The 5 Bigs of Raising Boys into Men You’ll Be Proud Of
Workshop Room: Goosebury Falls Room 1
By: Kelly Love
What does it take to raise a boy into a confident, capable, and honorable man? How do we guide our sons to navigate a world filled with mixed messages about masculinity? In this insightful and inspiring talk, Kelly Love—father of three boys—shares practical wisdom and thought-provoking strategies for parents and mentors. Learn how to create an environment where boys can thrive, grow, and become men you’ll be proud of—ready to lead, serve, and succeed.
Handouts:Waiting on the Lord
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Bridgette Cameron Ridenour
When did waiting become so annoying? When did waiting on the Lord become so hard? Waiting is a beautiful word, but also waiting is such a hard word. Sometimes, prayers are answered in days or weeks. Other times, according to God‘s perfect will, we’re waiting months or years to receive an answer to our prayers.
For Bridgette, it took a life-threatening medical emergency for her to realize that waiting is not meant to be a punishment but rather an opportunity to trust the Lord more deeply and pray in the waiting.
Handouts:What is this function you speak of with Executive functioning skills?
Workshop Room: French River Room
By: Sarah Collins
Executive Functioning is defined as the “brain-based skills needed to effectively execute or perform tasks and solve problems.” As with most skills, there is a range, not everyone needs to complete the same tasks on a daily basis. But there must be a match between the environment, expectations, and abilities of a person.
This class will 1) define executive functional skills, 2) explain why they can be hard for some people, and 3) give helpful solutions to using the homeschool to help your children build these skills.
Handouts:Building Monasteries in the New Dark Age
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Rory Groves
It has been said, “homeschools are the monasteries of the new Dark Age.” What does it mean to raise a family in this day, and how can Christian parents prepare their children to thrive in an increasingly Dark Age? This talk addresses these questions and provides practical steps for families to build their households on the Rock, households that will be lights in the darkness.
Handouts:Doing it Scared: Homeschooling 101
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Christy Faith
Embark on your homeschooling journey with confidence and enthusiasm in this specially crafted workshop for beginners. This session seamlessly blends inspiration, anxiety-reducing wisdom, and practical how-to guidance. Explore essential tips on curriculum selection and creating a nurturing learning environment. Whether you’re feeling fully prepared, cautiously optimistic, or downright terrified, this transformative workshop promises to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to navigate the exciting path of homeschooling. Get ready to leave empowered and fully prepared to embrace the homeschooling adventure!
Handouts:Enhancing Homeschooling with eLibrary Minnesota: Free Digital Resources for Every Learner
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Beth Staats
Are you looking for free, high-quality educational resources to enhance your homeschooling curriculum? eLibrary Minnesota (ELM) offers a wealth of digital content, from academic journals and reference materials to ebooks and multimedia resources, all accessible from home. This session will introduce homeschooling parents to ELM’s vast collection, covering a wide range of subjects and grade levels. Attendees will learn how to search, navigate, and utilize ELM’s databases to support individualized learning, supplement lesson plans, and spark curiosity in their children. Whether you’re teaching elementary, middle, or high school students, this session will empower you with tools to enrich your homeschooling experience.
Handouts:Finding Pure Joy in a Happiness Driven World
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Dana Blomberg
Everyone is looking for happiness, which is sometimes hard to come by. We tend to look for it to be provided through marriage, children, church, hobbies, accomplishments, degrees, activities, homeschooling, etc. But when life takes a hard turn it is easy to lose sight of what God intended when He said to “count it all joy.” What is the difference between happiness and joy? Where does real joy come from? Can I really find it when life hurts, like the Bible says? How can I teach the difference to my children? We will take a different perspective as we look at the source of pure joy, the role it plays in our trials, as well as it being something that is cultivated rather than achieved.
Handouts:Make Lapbooks to Enhance Learning (Preregistration Required)
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Nancy Manos
Lapbooks are a great way to enhance learning and they allow your child to create a review of what’s been learned in a compact folder. Come and learn the basics of lapbooking in this fun, hands-on, instructional workshop! Nancy will go step-by-step through the entire lapbook making process, including covering folding tips for creating a variety of mini-books to go inside the lapbook. You’ll make a sample lapbook to take home with you in this workshop. Lapbooks can be used with many different subjects by students of all ages. They are a fantastic, interactive, educational tool for learners of all types.
Handouts:Raising a Special Needs Child and Finding Support for the Journey
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Steve Demme
Come listen to Steve’s testimony of the last thirty years as the father of a child with special needs. He shares what his family has learned, and the special, rewarding, and joyful role John has played in their lives. Even in the difficult experiences of life, God proved faithful and His grace sustained them and brought good out of their struggles and disappointments.
Handouts:Raising self-sufficient kids through food science and physics
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Dale Cox
Everyday useful food science will help your child not just survive but thrive as they strike out on their own. Empower with them to think for themselves instead of succumbing to the whims of food and nutrient trends which may or may not be valid. Give them the ability to cook and bake with confidence because they know what is going on in the kitchen. Help them stay safe with Edible Knowledge, helping them avoid foodborne illnesses. It’s great stuff, and can even be a career, a whole new level of self-sufficiency. Top it off with practical physics, the kind you may use in your backyard, and let them learn by using LEGO bricks.
Handouts:The Three Things Every Kid (and Parent) Should Know
Workshop Room: Split Rock Room 1&2
By: Shannon Badger
Sometimes our kids fall outside of usual patterns. They think in ways that we as parents can’t quite follow and our kids get labeled as learning disabled. This is often because they think primarily with one side of their brains. Does that mean they always will and they are stuck with it? Not at all! We are going to discuss ways to identify a child who is heavily focused toward the left or right side of the brain in his thought processes and ways to strengthen the side less used, thus balancing the brain.
Handouts:Time and Home Management: Managing Life and Home While Homeschooling
Workshop Room: French River Room
By: Nancy Bjorkman
Time must be budgeted just like money. We must determine the difference between the fixed – what we must do, and the discretionary – what we would like to do, and set our priorities. This workshop will be filled with practical tips and encouragement for everyday living as a homeschool family. Areas covered include understanding your calling, relationships, schooling, meals, household clutter and cleaning, and general household management. Attendees will leave with practical and applicable tips.
Handouts:9 Ways Generation Joshua Equipped Me as a Political Advocate
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Amy Buchmeyer, Esq.
Looking for ways to engage your student in the political process, but don’t know where to start? Generation Joshua, HSLDA’s offshoot for youth engagement, assists parents in raising up the next generation of Christian leaders and citizens by equipping them to positively influence the political processes of today and tomorrow. As an HSLDA attorney and GenJ alumna, Amy will share how GenJ empowers through relationships and how it will inspire your students to engage in the political process.
Handouts:Carrots, Not Sticks: Designing Learning for Joy
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Rev. Dr. Seann Dikkers
What drives our learning? What convinces anyone to pursue knowledge, invest, and embark on great endeavors? Is ‘boredom’ necessary or to be avoided? Why do we learn new skills? This session will explore learning for joy, motivational strategies, and outline practical planning tools that will help you take any content and foster joy in the process. If your child is less than motivated, this session may help answer why and offer key approaches you can use starting tomorrow.
Handouts:Critical Role Music Plays in Your Child’s Development
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Karra Buller
We will be sharing the critical role music plays in a child’s brain development. We will be sharing cutting edge research information regarding the essential nature of music in the advanced development of a child’s brain along with testimonials from real students who have seen the results we will be sharing.
Handouts:Fulfilling the Great Commission through Fiction
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Chawna Schroeder
An exploration of how we can use fiction to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20
Handouts:Help! I’m Homeschooling & I Have a Toddler Strapped to My Leg!
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Jamie Erickson
“Mom, Johnny’s drinking from the dog dish again!” Homeschooling with little ones underfoot can feel a bit like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos—counterintuitive. But, the fact is, the foundation of homeschool is HOME and everyone in it, even the toddler who’s currently feeding Cheerios to the goldish. Discover how to engage your little ones CONstructively during the harried homeschool day.
Handouts:Ideas for Hands-On Learning
Workshop Room: Split Rock Rooms 1 & 2
By: Nancy Manos
It is a rich experience indeed where learning is a hands-on, multi-sensory, interactive adventure. Nancy will share easy-to-implement, inexpensive, engaging ideas for children of all ages. Do you lack creativity but want to make learning fun and engaging for your kids? Come and get inspired! You can make learning a joy for your child as you incorporate hands-on learning in your homeschool—without a huge investment of time, energy, or resources.
Handouts:Social-Emotional Learning: A Trojan Horse for Extremism and the Occult
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Alex Newman
SEL is all the rage in education circles today, and various SEL programs can now be found in well over 90% of schools across the United States. Parents are told that this will help teach children competencies like “empathy” and “compassion.” But in reality, as Alex proves in this talk, the real agenda is far more nefarious — and it is not hard to prove. Parents and Christians must beware of SEL programs, including those that sprinkle Bible verses in and claim to be “Christian.”
Handouts:The Sensory Balanced Mom
Workshop Room: French River Room
By: Sarah Collins
As homeschool parents, we constantly prioritize our children’s well-being, including their sensory needs. We often wonder about the factors influencing their ability to sit and focus, their clothing preferences, and food choices. However, it’s crucial to recognize that our own sensory needs play a significant role in shaping theirs. In this insightful seminar, we will explore all eight sensory systems then provide practical tips and strategies to enhance our own sensory regulation, creating a positive trickle-down effect on our kids. Together, we’ll learn how to foster a nurturing environment that supports sensory grown and overall well-being for all. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to empower yourself as a homeschool parent and boost your child’s sensory development!
Handouts:You’re their 1st teacher – be their best teacher
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Kristin Rogers
When you homeschool with Classical Conversations, we connect you with a local community of like-minded families who not only learn together, but do life together. We equip homeschool parents with the confidence to raise bright, observant students who have a lifelong love of learning.
Handouts:But Mom, HOW do I study?
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Kristin Lackie
Students are often expected to have strong study and organizational skills, but they are rarely taught what that means. This workshop includes practical information geared toward developing effective study habits like setting goals, managing time, organizing spaces, improving reading comprehension, taking notes, taking tests, and finding balance. You will be prepared to help your middle and high school students succeed in academics, in employment, and in life. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.
Handouts:Dads and Homeschooling: Where Do Fit In?
Workshop Room: Split Rock Room 1 & 2
By: Alex Newman
Just like mothers, fathers are critical for homeschooling, and not just for paying the bills. In this fun talk, Alex — who homeschools his 6 children alongside his wife — will share insights into the role of dads in the education, upbringing, and discipleship of their children. He will also offer practical tips for fathers and families that can make home education even better!
Handouts:Family Communication U-See
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
After exploring the foundational concepts to be an honest and open communicator, we will break up into small groups and practice what we have learned. Healthy relationships are based on safe principles of communication.
Handouts:From Career to Calling
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Craig Harrison
Exploring the challenges of transitioning from a career to a calling as the full-time educator of one’s children. Craig will share his reflections and encouragement for the journey. While his experiences may seem unique as a father and an engineer who homeschools, he’s spoken to many homeschool moms that also have had to process the impact on their identity and social interactions when choosing to prioritize their children over a career so mothers are both welcome and will be encouraged at this workshop.
Handouts:Goodbye Math Struggles: Mastering Techniques For a More Successful Math Experience
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Christy Faith
Does your child face anxiety or resistance, or maybe you feel like you’re failing as a homeschool parent? Transform math tears into triumphs with Christy-Faith, an expert in engaging reluctant learners. You’ll discover secrets to turning stress into success with proven techniques and actionable strategies. After all, it is possible to create a positive, enriching math environment where your child thrives. While the focus is on math, the skills you gain will enhance all subjects, turning your family’s educational journey into a joyful adventure.
Handouts:Teen Driver Safety Parent Awareness Program
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Mike Pehl
This 90-minute Driver Safety Awareness program will be worth your time! You will understand how Mike Pehl’s background as a Crash Investigator helps him bring a unique and pragmatic view of how to crash proof your teen driver. You will be impressed by his Defensive Driving techniques that teach drivers how to protect themselves and their passengers. These mental and physical driving methods will make a huge difference in minimizing crashes, injuries and preventing fatalities. As a parent, Mike will help your son or daughter become the best driver possible. You and your teen will also learn insider information on how crashes happen and what you can do to avoid them. You and your teen will also better understand driving laws that apply to your new driver. YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR ATTENDING THIS WORKSHOP THAT WILL THEN ALLOW YOU TO SUBTRACT 10 HOURS OF THE MANDATORY 50 HOURS OF BEHIND THE WHEEL DOCUMENTATION NEEDED FOR THE STATE REQUIREMENTS.
Handouts:The attack on children historically and today in Minnesota
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Amanda Hughes
Hitler, Stalin & Mao used children to take power and then turned to radicalization and murderous dictatorships. What is happening in MN in the attack on children now and what are we going to do about it? Minnesota Moms for America has the tools that we need to organize and take our communities back, and then take our state back.
Handouts:Unveiling Primitive Reflexes: Understanding Their Impact
Workshop Room: French River Room, homeschooling, nurturing, OT, reflexes, and strategies
By: Sarah Collins
Join Sarah Collins, OTR/L, in this insightful seminar as she explores primitive reflexes’ role in children’s learning. Sarah will define primitive reflexes and discuss their influence on motor skills, attention, and sensory processing. Through practical insights, participants will learn to identify signs of reflex retention and discover effective intervention strategies. Backed by research, Sarah will provide resources for integrating primitive reflexes, empowering attendees to support children’s optimal development. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and practice in nurturing children’s growth.
Handouts:Using the Public School to Your Advantage
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Julie Noraker
We’ll discuss how you can use options at your local middle school and high school to your advantage. We’ll get into how it works with homeschooling, scheduling, considerations, pros, and cons. This workshop is best suited for those with students in grades 6th-12th, or upper elementary who want to know some possible future options.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
You Are Never Overlooked
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Bridgette Cameron Ridenour
Have you ever felt overlooked? Overlooked by the people you want to notice you most in your life and your accomplishments, your efforts? Maybe your spouse, your kids, maybe the people you work with and work for? Have you ever felt overlooked by God himself? Maybe you felt that life has passed you by and have missed your calling. Have you felt like your golden opportunity is no longer, and you’re unsure of your future? Bridgette’s testimony of finding purpose through her life verse, Jeremiah 2911, is a message of inexhaustible hope, fulfillment, a deeper joy, and an understanding that God‘s timing is perfect and His plans for us are far better than our plans for ourselves.
Handouts:8 Ways to Cultivate Their Love of Learning
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Dana Blomberg
Ultimately, one of the desired goals of homeschooling is to cultivate your child’s love of learning. However, there are times when butting heads, subjects outside of interests, demands of a rigorous lesson plan, or an over zealous parent’s drive to cross things off of long to-do list will kill the natural desire that prompts a young person to dig deeper to learn more. In this workshop, we will take a deep breath, and look at 8 ways to turn around the frustration, and encourage their natural love of learning.
Handouts:Establishing a Reading Culture in Your Home
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Jamie Erickson
Reading shouldn’t be another assignment to check off the list. It should be an integral part of the rhythm of your home. But, between diapers and division flashcards, how can you find the time to immerse your children in great books? How can you ignite a passion for a well-crafted story when all you hear is, “Reading’s not my favorite thing, Mom!”? Learn the secrets of choosing great books for all ages, developing a family language with literature, and establishing a culture of reading in your home.
Handouts:Exploring Learning Styles for More Effective Instruction
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Nancy Bjorkman
Gain a fresh perspective on how your children’s actions and attitudes help you discover their natural bent, so you can plan strategies that will help them grow into the person they were created to be. We’ll peel back the layers to reveal pieces of the puzzle that go beyond the usual “auditory, kinesthetic, and visual” discussions. This workshop will provide you with insight into your children on a new level to help you reach and teach them more effectively.
Handouts:From Crisis to Christ, the Journey of a Husband and Father
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Steve Demme
2012 was the hardest and best year of my life. On the one hand I had personal blind spots revealed which caused pain to those who were closest to me. At the same time, God revealed his unconditional love in a new way. I am now, by God’s grace, in the best place I have ever been with my wife and sons.
Handouts:Help! My Child Won’t Sit
Workshop Room: French River Room
By: Sarah Collins
1-2-3 Eyes on Me- Many of us were told we weren’t taking in information unless we were showing it with our whole bodies. However, many children need to move to learn. This course will delve into the times The Impact and Development of Prewriting Skills.
Handouts:How To Teach Music When You’re Not Musical
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Stacy Saxton
In this workshop, we will explore why music education is important, what elementary music instruction looks like, and how everyone can teach music with the curriculum “How To Teach Music When You’re Not Musical: Lesson Plans, Ideas, and Resources for the Elementary Homeschool.”
Handouts:I’m From the Government, and I’m Here to Protect You
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Amy Buchmeyer, Esq.
Children are dreamers from birth, but education seems to take it out of them, according to research. The Smiths will share ways that you can bring to life their ability to dream big, and to pursue their dreams. We all need to be inspired to be great, but it is your job to inspire your children to become something bigger than they are today. Gather ideas from this session that will help you be more inspirational. But be careful, your children may take you places that will stretch you.
Handouts:Simple Transcripts and Record Keeping
Workshop Room: Split Rock Rooms 1 & 2
By: Kristin Lackie
Transcripts are not just for college – every student needs one. How should you begin? What should you include? Understand the essentials of record keeping, the important records to keep, how to grade, evaluate credits, and prepare a professional looking high school transcript. Teens are invited to attend with you.
Handouts:The Truth About School Choice
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Alex Newman
As much as many advocates of government-funded “school choice” may be well intentioned, there is a hidden but existential threat to genuine school choice that lies at the core of this effort. In this talk, Alex will explain what has happened with “school choice” schemes around the world, why the United Nations is encouraging governments to start offering tax money to “non-state” education providers, and how serious this battle is. In short, government money should be thought of as the cheese in the mouse trap. It will not liberate families from the government school system. Instead, it will suck many families that have fled the system back into it. Homeschoolers, especially, must understand this battle.
Handouts:7 Mistakes that many Parents Make
Workshop Room: Split Rock Room 1 & 2
By: Jared Dodd
The Scripture says that we are to be aware of the Devil’s schemes. Here we identify seven traps of the enemy that most Christian parents are involved in unawares.
Handouts:Cavemen and the Pyramids
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Shannon Badger
The cavemen were part of a greater world history that includes the first civilizations established after Babel. We will discuss De-volution, as opposed to E-volution, how the people of the first civilizations got where they were, and how their histories were influenced by the Ice Age. For everyone who wants to know how ancient history and cavemen line up with the Bible, this is the talk for you!
Handouts:Finding Joy in Your Homeschool Journey
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Nancy Manos
The homeschool reality sometimes involves struggles that can leave a parent feeling overwhelmed and inadequate with children who are equally frustrated. The truth is that while the nitty gritty of teaching our children at home is sometimes messy and emotional with a variety of highs and lows, homeschooling is a great privilege and, yes, even a joy! Join Nancy as she shares encouragement to bolster you on those challenging days and refresh you as you endeavor to create an atmosphere of joy in this learning adventure with your children.
Handouts:Jumpstart College with CLEP Cut the cost of college tuition in half!
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Kristin Lackie
This popular workshop will share how to accelerate the first two years of college by earning credit for subjects your student may already be studying in high school. The College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) along with Prometric’s DSST program are nationally recognized credit by-exam programs that offer over 70 different exams, allowing students to test out of courses generally taken the first two years of college. Whether your student is gifted, motivated, or looking for purpose, this workshop will help save time and money earning a college degree. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.
Handouts:Overcoming Self-Doubt: The Quiet Battle of Homeschooling
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Christy Faith
Ever find yourself asking: “Can I really do this?” or “What if I’m failing my child?” or “Do I really have what it takes?” Join us for a raw and illuminating discussion on the silent struggle of self-doubt in homeschooling. Delve into the questions that haunt homeschooling moms in the dead of night and uncover strategies to silence your inner critic. In this workshop you will gain valuable insight to navigate the doubts that threaten to overwhelm and emerge with renewed confidence to embrace your homeschooling journey.
Handouts:Ten Things NOT to Tell Your Pastor
Workshop Room: French River Room
Many homeschoolers do not feel welcome in churches and get the impression their pastor is against them. The reasons vary, but the results are the same – disappointment, rejection, and hurt. What issues can be addressed so that there is harmony between church leaders and homeschoolers?
Handouts:The Theater Experiment: Falling Back in Love with Homeschooling
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Vicky Stigen, Joy Stigen, and Kara Young
Nothing kills the love of learning like school. Mounting deadlines, batteries of tests, repetitive worksheets, juggling an endless stream of demands, rigor, rigor, rigor…it never seems to end. But when our kids graduate, we still want them to learn just for the love of it (and we’d prefer that no one is miserable in the meantime). Follow along with our family’s harebrained scheme to start a theater troupe from the ground up and learn how we reawakened the wonder of learning through the arts. With both inspiration and actionable steps, this workshop will reignite the spark and move you closer to your child’s heart through the arts.
Handouts:Unharried Homeschooling: Scheduling 101
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Jamie Erickson
Do your homeschool days feel like an endless exercise in treading water? Is there constant animosity between you and Monday morning? Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel, running at full speed but getting nowhere fast? You may need to re-order your days so that your school schedule works for your home and not against it. Learn the secrets of planning your days and year using Sabbath schooling, loop scheduling, block scheduling, traditional scheduling, rhythm planning, and many more. Put your homeschool day on auto-pilot by forming the right plan.
Handouts:Unlock the Einstein Inside: Applying Brain Research to Wake Up the Smart in Your Students
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Richard Frieder
This workshop is ideal for parents seeking knowledge of the effects cognitive skills – visual and auditory processing, working and long-term memory, and attention skills, among others – have on learning. Attendees will receive knowledge as well as practical strategies to apply in the home or classroom as well as the opportunity for free cognitive skills testing for their children. This information is invaluable in equipping parents to be more effective in teaching each child and choosing curriculum that better meets their needs and learning strengths and weaknesses.
Handouts:Generational Health
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 3
By: Dr. Bob Zajac
Learn the foundations of genetic, environmental, and microbiome health.
Handouts:Good News for Earnest Parents
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Steve Demme
Believing the good news in our innermost being is transformative and restorative. We can only give to our children what we have received ourselves. As we comprehend God’s care and affection in new ways, we will be able to minister the same to our families.
Handouts:How Music Critically Impacts Your Child’s Intelligence
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Karra Buller
We will share how Music is essential in the development and advancement of all 8 intelligences. We will be sharing cutting edge research in how music is critical in promoting not just your child’s learning capabilities but also their physical and emotional health for a lifetime. We will be demonstrating musical activities that show how Holistic music education benefits development.
Handouts:Organizing for Legislative Change
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Amanda Hughes
Moms for America Action can help us organize any legislative change we want to make in this state (or if we need to stop anything!); from writing legislation, coaching on how to pass it and offering endorsements to candidates up and down the ballot. We need organization, communication and numbers. Let’s join together and turn our state around!
Handouts:Reading Problem? Let’s Fix It!
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 202
By: Carla Cox
Is your child experiencing reading difficulties? This workshop uses a question/answer format to tailor the content for your child’s specific needs. After 42 years of experience, I have seen and fixed almost every reading problem imaginable. Come prepared with your questions. I want to help your child become a successful reader.
Handouts:The Digital Divide
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Rev. Dr. Seann Dikkers
No child should sit in front of a screen all day. If we can agree on that, then the core question for parents is, “How much, if any, screentime is good for children?” What does research and common sense say about cognitive growth and the strengths and weaknesses of digital tools for learning. If our children are entering workplaces that use computers, how can we equip them over time, give them spiritual armor and ethics around usage, and find balance for a healthy family.
Handouts:Why Most Americans Can’t Read Properly: How to Protect Your Children
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Alex Newman
Government literacy data show that most American adults are functionally illiterate, and less than a third of children in public schools are considered “proficient” in reading. The reason for this catastrophe is simple: Quack methods of teaching reading first debunked in the 1840s are ubiquitous in U.S. schools. Thankfully, protecting your child from illiteracy is easy with phonics. Alex, who learned from the legendary reading expert Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, explains it all in this fun and useful talk that may just save your children from lifelong struggles with reading.
Handouts:Your Boy is NOT Toxic – Leading Boys to True Masculinity
Workshop Room: French River Room
By: Kelly Love
In the talk, we will challenge the prevailing narratives that often label boys’ natural traits as problematic or toxic. Instead, we will explore the inherent strengths and virtues that boys possess and discuss how to cultivate them into a healthy, positive form of masculinity. We will delve into the importance of recognizing and affirming boys’ unique identity, guiding them through the challenges of modern society, and providing them with the tools they need to grow into responsible, courageous, and compassionate men. We will offer practical advice for parents on how to mentor boys in a way that honors their individuality while steering them towards a path of righteous manhood that positively impacts their communities and the world at large.
Handouts:Youth Can Do Hard Things: Instilling a Work Ethic In Your Children Before Its Too Late
Workshop Room: Split Rock Room 1 & 2
By: Rory Groves
Most students today are graduating college completely unprepared for the working world, and employers are growing increasingly concerned. Give your young person an advantage in life by teaching them a work ethic… before it’s too late.
Handouts:5 Tools to Help Your Children Think Well and Develop Understanding
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 1
By: Kristin Rogers
Discover the tools that teach your children how to think well and develop understanding of any subject, topic, or trade. We will model these tools allowing you to experience them yourself!
Handouts:Fractions — Seeing is Believing
Workshop Room: Split Rock 1 & 2
By: Kathleen Cotter Clayton
Fractions are often seen as overwhelming with a list of chaotic and confusing rules. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Discover a visual approach that reveals the simplicity and beauty of fractions using a linear chart. Card games provide practice and support making learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions interesting and fun. This practical approach will give your child clarity and understanding of fractions.
Handouts:It’s Homeschool, NOT School-at-Home
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 204 & 205
By: Jamie Erickson
Most mothers who choose to homeschool do so because we want to provide something different for our children than the other guys offer. We assume that simply taking the road less traveled will make all the difference. Our kids will be happy, healthy, and well-educated. The end. And yet, so often, we allow our past experiences and expectations of school to hitchhike into this new journey. “Real” school and “real” teachers are all we know. The traditional model, with all its formulas and gures, is burdensome. So many of the practices are necessary and good over there, but only because of the specific challenges of teaching a horde of children at the same time. Those same practices, when used here, constrict. Square peg. Round hole. Like an anchor threatening to pull you under, “real” school is ruining your homeschool. If you’re to survive and, better yet, thrive, you’ll need a new way of looking at teaching and learning at home.
Handouts:Resistant Kids. Lack of Motivation. Constant Push Back. Battles.Help!
Workshop Room: Lake Superior Ballroom
By: Christy Faith
Resistance in a child can take various forms— it can look like laziness, lack of motivation, or outright refusal. This workshop is your guide to investigation, revealing the intricate layers behind why kids don’t work to their potential. Together, we’ll decipher this red flag, explore its implications and, more importantly, learn how to pinpoint the specific support your child needs. Gain valuable insights into securing the buy-in both you and your child crave. Join me on this transformative journey, where we delve into the complexities of understanding and addressing resistance. Learn to turn challenges into opportunities for growth and collaboration, paving the way for a more hopeful, connected relationship and resolving the problem for good.
Handouts:Setting Your Home Education Up for Success
Workshop Room: Gooseberry Falls Room 2
By: Craig Harrison
Considerations for fundamental issues such as purpose, priorities, program, and assessment. Craig shares his learning from applying scientific principles and experiments to create and fine-tune his home education program. You will learn about the Fencepost Framework that he adopted for deciding how to tackle teaching different subjects as well as other lessons learned from incorporating a wide range of subjects from foreign languages, music and government alongside a hefty dose of mathematics.
Handouts:The Impact and Development of Prewriting Skills
Workshop Room: French River Room
By: Sarah Collins
Ask about handwriting in any social media post and people will tell you to squeeze putty or work on fine motor skills. But handwriting requires so much more than the development of hands. This course will discuss all academic skills, motor skills, and even social skills that influence handwriting as well as provide options to adapt. That children benefit from sitting and how to engage our moving, wiggly learners.
Handouts:Tips for Successful Homeschooling
Workshop Room: Horizon Room 203
By: Nancy Manos
Nancy shares tips she’s learned along the way for making the home education adventure more effective and fruitful—and more enjoyable, too! Nancy will share 12 obstacles to success, and we’ll explore what success might look like for your family. You’ll also glean ideas to help you organize your time, your home, your schedule, and your life in ways that will foster a successful homeschool experience with your children.
Handouts:The 2025 Silent Auction is packed with many wonderful items for everyone! All proceeds will go
to MACHE for activities that support Minnesota homeschoolers throughout the year.
The MACHE Silent Auction will be in-person with on-line bidding. Create a bidding account at
can peruse the donations in-person during the convention, then use BetterWorld to save your
favorites and place your bids online.
Silent Auction bidding schedule:
-Friday, May 16, 2025 Bidding starts online at 8am
-Saturday, May 17, 2025 Bidding ends at 12 Noon. Winner pick-up and checkout from 12 noon
to 2 pm
2025 Silent Auction Donors include:
Abiding Truth Ministry
Actors Bible
Beautiful Feet Books
Berean Builders
Bright Corner Studio
Brighter Day Press
Building Faith Family
Camp Cherith
Cajun Kids
Catherine Zoller
Character Concepts
Chicken Scratch Books
Christian Perspective
Coffee with Carrie
Common Sense Press
Craig Harrison
Cultivated Learning
Douglas Cornelius
Eat to Explore
Farmhouse on Boone
Froggy’s Rainy Day Story
Fruit of the Family
Fun to Learn Books
Fun of Reading
Godstruck Ministries
Heart of Dakota
Hoffman Academy
Holistic Homestead
Homeschool Art Box
INFO for Families
Jeanie Burlowski
Jen's Wreaths
KAP Education
Kathy Eggers
Katie Trent
Kingery Family
Let's Go Geography
Little Bird Press
M.J Claus
Majesty Music
Math Mammoth
Millie Florence
Mystery of History
New Growth Press
Proverbial Homemaker
Rainbow Resource Center
Raising Arrows
Right Start Math
Steadfast Press
The Old Schoolhouse
They Call Me Blessed
Tiffany Wasson
True North Academy
Vickie Bentley
Visionary Family
Voetberg Music Academy
Whole Heart Ministries
Without Doors
We are thrilled to share our current line-up of featured speakers. And we have even more guest speakers not listed. Please check out the MÂCHÉ Events App for the full line-up when it goes live. It's going to be an amazing convention!
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and speaker who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. Alex is happily married and the homeschool dad of 5 children.
Alex is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, serves on the board of FreedomProject Academy, and has traveled the nation and the world speaking on education. He serves as executive director of Public School Exit, a ministry working with churches and parents to support Christian education. Alex has also been featured in 5 education documentaries in the last two years as well as the hit Fox series "MisEducation of America.
You might have seen Bridgette Cameron Ridenour's siblings grace the cover of those oh-so-familiar teen magazines in the 80's and 90's. Sister to Kirk Cameron (“Growing Pains”) and Candace Cameron Bure (“Full/Fuller House”), Bridgette knew all too well what it was like to be overlooked in the entertainment industry.
Despite Bridgette having a successful career as a stand-in for over 25 years working with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars on television shows like Full House and Home Improvement with Tim Allen, she couldn’t help but feel she was Overlooked all those years.
After a terrifying, but life-changing moment with her family, Bridgette has stepped into a speaking career, sharing how that experience brought her closer to her family, to God, and ultimately to her purpose. Bridgette's testimony, rooted in Jeremiah 29:11, is a message of inexhaustible hope, fulfillment, and a deeper joy. She shares the truth of how we are never overlooked by our Creator, how God's timing is always perfect, and how His plans for us are far better than our own.
Bridgette is the Best Selling Author of “Overlooked” and is currently speaking at events and conferences across the United States. She currently lives in Palm Springs, California with her husband John and three children.
Founder of It’s Time Ministries, this child of God, husband, and father fills hearts and stirs minds with original songs and thought-provoking messages that convey an eternal imprint and saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a songwriter and worship leader, Mike and his family performed bluegrass gospel music at churches, community events, and music festivals throughout Minnesota for more than 10 years. Now that the kids (homeschool graduates!) are grown and on their own, Mike is leading worship, sharing original songs, and passing along stories of faith, family, hope, and life at couple’s banquets, parenting weekends, family camps, and with homeschool groups.
His mission in music and worship is centered on helping moms and dads, husbands and wives, and everyday leaders walk by faith, to remember what's most important, and navigate this gift called life.
A Wisconsin native, Amy Buchmeyer was homeschooled K–12 along with her four younger siblings. She developed a passion for politics while involved in Generation Joshua in high school and eventually double majored in politics & government and criminal justice at Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee.
Upon graduation, Amy returned to Wisconsin where she worked as a field director for Americans for Prosperity. She later received her JD from the University of Wisconsin Law School, where she served as president of the Federalist Society and articles editor of the Wisconsin Law Review.
Now, at HSLDA, Amy serves as the contact attorney for 11 states.
Amy loves to travel, and, in addition to Wisconsin and Tennessee, has lived in Idaho, Colorado, England, Thailand, and now Virginia. When not at work, you can usually find her buried in a book (she averages over 200 a year), traveling, or failing to kill her 9 jade plants.
Sarah Collins, MSOT, OTR/L is an occupational therapist with a background in both pediatrics and home health, and a homeschooling parent. Sarah was first introduced to homeschooling in 2016 while working as an OT in a client’s home; she was amazed at the learning atmosphere and opportunities within the home. Then, once homeschooling her own family, she noticed that parents, though experts on their own children, were invariably asking many of same questions; most wanting to further their own understanding so they could use the homeschool to help their children in what they specifically needed and wanted to do. As a result, HomeschoolOT was established in 2019. She now focuses on helping parents make the match between the homeschool and their children’s current skill set all while working towards what their children
specifically need and want to do to occupy their time (hello occupation!). She does this by consulting with parents around the world, teaching month long classes on specific topics, building community in an online membership, and communicating nationally at conferences.
Steve and his wife Sandra have been married since 1979. They have been blessed with four sons, three lovely daughters-in-law, and six special grandchildren. Their fourth son has Down Syndrome and lives with them in Lititz, PA. With God’s help, Steve has been seeking first the Kingdom since graduating from Grove City College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the creator of Math-U-See and the founder of Building Faith Families.
Jared has been doing ministry for the last 20+ years. He and his wife started a ministry focused on Family and Discipleship in 2012 and currently reside in Texas. The Dodds homeschool their 8 (going on 9) children and travel the country speaking on many different subjects: Apologetics, Family, Homeschooling tips, Discipleship, etc. They also have a weekly - nationally broadcast radio show called The Blessed Family. The Dodds currently have 8 books published and three, full length, 10-20 week video series on RightNow Media. PureFlix is currently reviewing all of their video series for streaming on purelfix.com.
Jared has spoken at various conferences over the years, big and small, including the Texas Shindig Family Conference, the North Dakota Homeschool Convention, and the Florida Shindig Family Conference.
When she’s not curating memories, hoarding vintage books, or playing ringmaster to a circus of her own making, Jamie Erickson can be found encouraging and equipping a growing tribe of mothers all across the globe on the Mom to Mom podcast, through her blog The Unlikely Homeschool, in the Biblio-files—a community for vetting children’s books, at national conferences, and in her books Holy Hygge: Creating a Place for People to Gather and the Gospel to Grow and Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child With Confidence. She’s been married to her college sweetheart for over twenty-two years. Together, they’re raising and launching their five second-generation homeschooled kids along the shores of Lake Superior in Minnesota.
Christy-Faith is an educational expert with 20+ years of professional experience in K-college academics and administration. She has trained teachers, mentored parents, and instructed thousands of students. After beginning her education career in the classroom, Christy-Faith and her husband established a private learning center, known for highly individualized instruction and impressive academic outcomes, which grew into one of the most successful private learning centers in the country. As their business and family expanded, Christy-Faith embarked on a personal exploration of homeschooling, an experience that profoundly transformed her perspective on educating children. Since her “awakening” Christy-Faith utilizes her expertise to support parents on their homeschooling journey– to take the leap, remain steadfast, and re-vitalize their purpose.
Christy spends her days advising moms within her online membership, Thrive Homeschool Community, hosting her podcast, The Christy-Faith Show, and through her book, Homeschool Rising. All this while imperfectly educating her four "endlessly entertaining" children.
Rory Groves is a technology consultant and founder of multiple software businesses. Several years ago he moved his family from the city to the country to begin the journey towards a more durable way of life. Rory and his wife Becca now reside in southern Minnesota where they farm, raise livestock, host workshops, and homeschool their five children. He is author of Durable Trades: Family-Centered Economies That Have Stood the Test of Time.
For several years Rory and Becca have been actively encouraging Christian families through events on their farm, including faith-based day camps, family camps, and educational workshops. They also publish a Christian newsletter covering topics on faith, family, and farming.
Kristin Lackie is a homeschool parent and educator. She and her husband live in Minnesota and successfully launched their first K-12 homeschool graduate. By God’s grace, her other three kiddos are making their way as well. With an in-the-trenches perspective, Kristin brings humor and reality to what can sometimes feel like a daunting task – homeschooling all the way to graduation day. Committed to saving both money and time, Kristin presents practical but often overlooked strategies to graduate college debt-free through credit-by-exam options and dual enrollment utilizing every available opportunity to maximize the middle and high school experience while casting a vision for college and beyond.
By helping families evaluate academic goals and career direction, Kristin is committed to educating and equipping both students and families to build a strong spiritual and scholastic foundation from which students can launch positioned to act on the Lord’s call. You can find more information at CreditsBeforeCollege.com.
Nancy Manos is a graduated homeschool mom of two. She taught her daughters from preschool through high school and found it to be a rich, rewarding, and sometimes challenging experience. Nancy is passionate about encouraging and equipping parents in the homeschool adventure. She and her husband James live in Gilbert, Arizona, and are happy grandparents to two adorable grandboys. James and Nancy served together on the board of Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) for 13 years, and Nancy was the Executive Director for 3 ½ years. Nancy is a digital creator who enjoys graphic design, blogging, social media marketing, and in her spare time likes to quilt, garden, cook, and read.
Instagram @mrsnancymanos
Facebook @joyfullynancymanos
Teen Track Schedule
Friday, May 16th
Session 1: 10:30-11:30 am Durable Trades for a Durable Future by Rory Groves
Jobs in the building trades are projected to increase faster than jobs in every other sector in America over the next decade. Over the same period, many white-collar jobs requiring 4-year college degrees will cease to exist. Why is this? This talk exposes the “Vital Lie” in our society that manual labor is only for low-paid or uneducated dropouts. In fact, the research proves that trades are among the highest-paid, longest-lasting, and most resilient of careers.
Session 2: 1:00-2:00 pm How to get to the Marriage Altar with Purity by Jared Dodd
This world is enticing our Christian children at an incredible rate. How can we prepare our offspring for a culture that is opposed to purity? Discover the power of a biblical approach.
Session 3: 2:30-3:30 pm Purpose over Paychecks: Career Considerations for Students by Rory Groves
With over 30,000 occupations currently in existence, students face a bewildering array of careers upon which to center their lives. But there is more at stake than just a paycheck. This talk will discuss what makes for meaningful work, self-reliance, and careers that reinforce, rather than undermine, family life and a vibrant home economy.
Session 4: 4:00-5:00 pm Why Gender is Paramount by Jared Dodd
God’s people need to rediscover how powerful gender is in God’s Kingdom. If you make it your goal, as parents, to teach your sons to be biblical men and your daughters to be biblical women, they will succeed.
Saturday, May 17th
Session 5: 10:30-11:30 am The Battle of the Worldviews by Jared Dodd
Everything is built atop a worldview. Here we will compare the biblical worldview with evolutionism. The results will equip your child to be bulletproof against the schemes of the enemy.
Session 6: 1:00-2:00 pm Homesteading as a School Subject by Rory Groves
In every generation except the last two or three, children learned from their parents how to grow their own food, keep animals, and provide for their basic needs. With many practical examples, this talk presents some ways young people can learn homesteading skills and repair the broken chain of wisdom from our ancestors.
Session 7: 2:30-3:30 pm A Challenge for the Sons and Daughters by Jared Dodd
Are your children going to be nagged and nudged down the narrow path, or are they going to get God’s vision for their lives and run the race? This talk is for them.
Session 8: 4:00-5:00 pm The College Question: Exploring Alternatives to The College-Debt Route by Rory Groves
For thousands of years before college was an option, people trained for work through the apprenticeship model. Rather than going tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars in debt, young people were paid to learn and prepared for life by godly mentors. This talk explores alternatives to the college-debt route, including apprenticeship, mentorship, and entrepreneurship.
MÂCHÉ is excited to be offering the used book/curriculum sale. If you would like to purchase one or more tables to sell your used books/curriculum, this is the form for you. Please fill out this registration form and complete payment to the MÂCHÉ PayPal account: paypal@mache.org.
Each year the MÂCHÉ Convention needs tons of great volunteers to pull off this 2 day event. We could not do it without the help of so many wonderful helping hands. If you would like to take part in volunteering for the 2025 MÂCHÉ Homeschool Convention, please help us get you connected by filling out this brief application. Whether you have volunteered before, or this is your first time applying we want to hear from you.
The MACHE Convention is like the ultimate date weekend for my husband and I. Not only do we enjoy the getaway and refreshment, but we have intentional time to learn together, set new goals, and recalibrate. There are very few other things that put us on the same page like this weekend does. There's so much to love! As a Jesus follower, book lover and conference junkie,... being there with my husband is like heaven!
I know a lot of work goes into these conventions and I just want to say thank you so much! This was my husband's first year going and he was amazed at the speakers and resources available. He said it was the best Bible conference he has ever been at and he doesn't understand why more people aren't going! You made a life long attendee! Nice work!
The 2019 MACHE Conference was such an incredible blessing! This is "year 14" for me as a home school mom, and after struggling with chronic illness the past two semesters, this conference was just what I needed (even while running on little energy). Thank you for finding such encouraging and convicting speakers, and bringing such a wealth of materials, vendors, and experience to the conference again this year! Truly blessed
I always love going to the MACHE conventions! I was just telling my in-laws that we wouldn't have become the parents nor the homeschoolers we are if it wasn't for MACHE. It is an excellent tool when a family is just beginning all the way through teenage years. It has been vital to the sucess of homeschooling, family and my marriage. The conferences have given us invaluable resources every single time! I am always excited to go back!!
Our family first attended the MACHE conference in 2014 while trying to decide whether to remove our kids from public school or not. After that first Thursday session in 2014, we made the decision to follow our calling from the Lord and bring our kids home. We haven't looked back since. We attend the conference every year to really refocus our hearts and minds, receive encouragement and education, scan the curriculum options and most importantly, connect with other homeschooling families. MACHE is a true blessing and we are grateful for all of the time and effort to put on such a useful, meaningful and special event. Keep up the good work MACHE!!
I am so thankful that I was able to attend the convention again this year. The Lord met my husband and I there throughout the various workshops and speakers...encouraging us and confirming His direction for our next year of home education.
My husband and I had a wonderful, refreshing time at the conference! God graciously answered every question I had before heading into the weekend. Every speaker we saw spoke just what we were hoping to learn about. Thank you Lord and thank you MACHE for such an amazing time!
Thanks for all your countless hours of work putting this convention together. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed. We always love the MACHE conference and leave uplifted and encouraged. Our kids are not sure they like it since we always come home with new ideas and convictions, like less screen time.
Thank you so much to all who work and plan to put on the MACHE Convention Weekend. I have always been encouraged and blessed. Praying that this ministry will continue to be available for many many years to help strengthen families in the Lord.
This event was a new experience for us. I enjoyed it much more than I expected and found myself coming away refreshed, encouraged, and equipped to make positive changes and plans for the next year.
- Start:
- May 16
- End:
- May 17
- Event Categories:
- Convention, Exhibitors, Featured, Keynote, Teen Track, Workshop
- Event Tags:
- Conference, Convention, event, exhibit hall, keynote, MACHE, speaker workshops, vendors
- Website:
- https://mache.org/event/2025-convention
- Phone:
- 763-717-9070
- Email:
- info@mache.org
- Website:
- www.mache.org
- Duluth Entertainment Convention Center
350 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802 United States + Google Map - Phone:
- 218-722-5573
- Website:
- www.decc.org