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2022 MÂCHÉ Legislative Day
Cities Church 1524 Summit Ave, St. PaulHOMESCHOOL MINNESOTA - MÂCHÉ Join us on March 16, 2022 for MACHE Legislative Day! Fee: $10 per family Agenda: 9:30 - Check-in 10:00 - HSLDA, Amy Buchmeyer, Staff Attorney - Overview of current legislation 11:00 - LEAD Minnesota, Patience Griswold, Program Coordinator - The legislative process and how to engage with your legislators 12:30…
2023 MÂCHÉ Legislative Day
First Baptist Church Anoka 1235 Park St, AnokaHOMESCHOOL MINNESOTA - MÂCHÉ Do you cherish the liberties we have in our country, including the freedom to homeschool? Legislative Day is an opportunity to gather with others in the homeschool COMMUNITY, get EQUIPPED to engage in the legislative process, and make a real IMPACT! Homeschoolers from across Minnesota will gather to learn about the…