MÂCHÉ Missional Partners Receive the Following Benefits:
- Annual Missional Leadership meeting for MÂCHÉ planning
- Full MP3 Set from Convention ($85 value) (Delivered at Leadership Meeting)
- Banner Ad in MÂCHÉ Homeschool Now Magazine ($75 value)
- Early registration on MÂCHÉ events with limited capacity
- MÂCHÉ Thank you gift (varies)
- Supporting Homeschool Lobbying efforts (Priceless!)
Plus all the Family Partner Benefits:
- MÂCHÉ Convention Discount (20%)
- Homeschool Now Magazine (Digital Edition) ($40 value)
- Homeschool Planner ($25 value)
- Storewide 10% discount
- Vendor Zoom Meetings
- Early registration & Discounts on MACHE events
- Member ID Card (area discounts)
- Teacher/Student ID Card 20% discount
- HSLDA Discount Code (+ others)
- MÂCHÉ Audio Library
- MÂCHÉ High School Graduation
- High School Transcript Template
…and all the MACHE Subscriber Benefits:
- Weekly Email Updates
- MÂCHÉ Newsletter
- Legislative Mobilization Updates
- Invitation to open MÂCHÉ regional connections events
- Social Network Communities
- YouTube Video Channel
- MÂCHÉ Online Store
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