Teach & Learn Spanish is a curriculum designed for parents with little or no knowledge of Spanish but who want to capitalize on the tremendous benefits of their children learning another language. Teach & Learn Spanish breaks through the barrier of having to know Spanish in order to teach it. Its genius yet simple design empowers parents, older siblings and grandparents to become the instant Spanish teacher for your family!
Teach & Learn Spanish includes 12 colorful lesson books and CDs, one for each month of the year. You can start with the present month and continue on from there. Language tables and accompanying pronunciation, teaching and song CDs carry out most of the activities for you! The user-friendly lessons include practical vocabulary and a variety of games, songs, dance, culture, exercise, art, puppets, role-play, holidays, story time and much more! The beautiful picture and word flash cards enhance the activities! Worksheets serve as a wonderful reinforcement and review. The genius concept of Teach & Learn Spanish is revolutionizing how children and parents learn another language…together!
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