Who really has the best interests of children at heart – parents or the state? There is a growing chorus of voices insisting that children don?t belong to parents. ?Children,? they say, ?belong to the community.? ?In order for democracy to survive,? these voices claim, ?the government must require that children be taught approved values such as ?tolerance?.? Some of these voices say that children should only learn in government-approved schools or from government-approved standards and curricula. Lawmakers are being prompted by these voices and misguided groups both in states and at the federal government level to hand over the keys to the kids. These forces want to dictate what children eat, what kinds of doctors they can and can?t see, and what they are taught! Skirmishes are being fought over this issue now! Are you prepared? HSLDA Staff Attorney, Michael Donnelly, will address these serious issues and tie together events both current and historic, providing perspective needed to fully comprehend currents and trends in a timeless struggle for control.
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