Keith Soencksen


KEITH SOENCKSEN is a homeschooling advocate and father of one son and five daughters.  His wife Karen has homeschooled their children from kindergarten through high school, with Keith occasionally contributing as a part-time teacher of high school math and science.  Two of his daughters have graduated high school and both will soon graduate from college. Karen continues to homeschool the other four.

Keith and Karen have volunteered on the MÂCHÉ staff for the last 8 years.  They serve as the Equipment and Supplies Chairmen, meaning they are responsible for setting up and tearing down many key parts of the annual MÂCHÉ Conference.  Karen also serves as the MÂCHÉ Support Group Liaison and travels around the state several times each year meeting with Support Group leaders.  She also staffs the Support Group Booth at the Conference. Keith is a mechanical engineer for a large company in Plymouth, Minnesota that designs and manufactures weapons and ammunition for military and law enforcement applications.

Keith’s greatest joy is spending time with his family, whether at a lake in the summer or skiing down a mountain in the winter.  He also loves writing (and has written occasionally for The Paper MÂCHÉ), reading, studying theology, and working at the family cabin in northern Wisconsin.