Sarah Collins

Sarah Collins, MSOT, OTR/L is an occupational therapist with a background in both pediatrics and home health, and a homeschooling parent. Sarah was first introduced to homeschooling in 2016 while working as an OT in a client’s home; she was amazed at the learning atmosphere and opportunities within the home. Then, once homeschooling her own family, she noticed that parents, though experts on their own children, were invariably asking many of same questions; most wanting to further their own understanding so they could use the homeschool to help their children in what they specifically needed and wanted to do. As a result, HomeschoolOT was established in She now focuses on helping parents make the match between the homeschool and their children’s current skill set all while working towards what their children specifically need and want to do to occupy their time (hello occupation!). She does this by consulting with parents around the world, teaching month long classes on specific topics, building community in an online membership, and communicating nationally at conferences.