Group Type: Co-Op and Support
County: Aitkin, Crow Wing, and Mille Lacs
Keywords: Christian, classes, field trips, general, physical education, preschool, and presentations
Group Location:
Aitkin, MN 56431
Group Details:
We are a group of homeschool families in the Aitkin / McGregor area which meets twice a month on Friday mornings for classes for the children. This year, we are offering three different writing classes, an art class, and a literature class similar to Five in a Row for our youngest students. Our time also includes phy. ed. activities, as well as a snack and visiting time.
In addition, we meet monthly as a moms’ group (dads are welcome too!) for a time of prayer, encouragement, and to make decisions and plans for our Friday sessions. These meetings are typically the third Tuesday or Thursday of the month, during the school year.
You are welcome to take part in either or both of these opportunities. We are here to encourage and support families in the journey of homeschooling, for the glory of God, and are willing to offer encouragement over the phone if neither of these opportunities fit your needs. Please contact us if we can be of help!