Group Type: Co-Op and Support
County: MN and St. Louis
Keywords: family recreation, field trips, Guest Speakers/Workshops, jr/sr high activites, Mother's Tea/Coffee, Organized Student Classes, parent support meetings, Projects Fair, and Used Book Sale
Group Location: Saint Louis County
, Minnesota
Group Details:
Our group began in the late 1980’s. We currently have 47 active families and serve K-12 students. We offer field trips and classes once a month. Our fees are $26.00 per family per school year. We are open to new members.
We offer parent support meetings, guest speakers/workshops, a mother’s tea/coffee, a used book sale, organized student classes, jr/sr high activities, field trips, a projects fair, and family recreation.
Our mission is to support fellow homeschool families while allowing students to interact with one another through various activities.