Withdrawing a Child from Public School
You have made the decision to homeschool! Congratulations! You can do this! Do you have questions on how to go about withdrawing from public school? We want to help. Here are some guidelines according to the Minnesota state statutes that will get you started and answer some of your questions on Withdrawing a Child from Public School. When removing a child age 7 to 17, Minnesota Statute 120A.24 is the primary statute for guidance. Subdivision 1(a) requires that the person in charge of providing the education to a student (usually the parent) must submit certain information to the superintendent of the school district within 15 days of when the student is withdrawn from public school. The information necessary to be submitted to the superintendent is the same as is included in initial reports required for all homeschooling parents. MÂCHÉ has an Initial Report to Superintendent on this website. This should be filled out and submitted to the Superintendent of the district. Some people submit the form by certified mail, return receipt. Some people submit the report personally. With the size of many districts, you should make sure you have the documentation that the report was submitted within the 15 days of withdrawal.
Then by October 1st of the next school year, the parents must submit a Letter of Intent to Continue Homeschooling in the same fashion to the Superintendent and each year after that until each student reaches 16 years of age. MÂCHÉ also has the Letter of Intent to Continue available on this website.
There are a couple special circumstances where the process is slightly different. Removing a child under 7 years of age from public school can only be done for good cause. Good cause includes enrolling the child in another school option, including a homeschool. Parents will have to notify the Superintendent that they are removing the child for good cause (homeschooling). Then the child will not be subject to the compulsory education reporting until the child is 7 years of age.
If removing a child from public school after he/she turns 17 years of age, the parents must attend a meeting with school personnel to discuss educational opportunities available to the student, and must sign a written election to withdraw from school. The parents will have to submit a Letter of Intent to Continue if the child is still 17 on the following October 1st.
Whatever the circumstances surrounding removing a child from public school, it may be wise to notify the child’s teacher and principal of the school that you are removing the child to avoid a visit from the truancy officers. If a child is absent 7 days from school, and you haven’t filed your 15-day notice yet, your child will be considered truant.
If you find yourselves in the position of withdrawing a child from public school, you should do some research before doing so. Talk with other parents who have been homeschooling their children. Consider joining a local co-op or support group. Research curriculum available that will be well suited to your child. Consider joining MÂCHÉ and Home School Legal Defense. You will then have the necessary support and resources available to assist and encourage you on your new commitment. If you have any questions, please email info@MÂCHÉ.org. We are happy to help!